1st published @ searchlores.org in June 2004 (This version 0.13 was updated in December 2007... in fieri)
[FAST (Alltheweb) news] (Maybe the BEST newsfeeds: updates news every hour & refresh its whole database every week, you might prefer to use the above form, which should be quicker than the original, linked one. [Google news (list)] [Google news (feed)] (Both good and useful) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Reuter (ENG) AP (ENG) Ansa (ITA)
Reuters frequently sends out multiple versions, and most of these articles are not published in the newspapers. To browse the complete wire, just hit "go." Articles appear in chronological order.
AP frequently sends out multiple versions, and most of these articles are not published in the newspapers. AP, Associated Press (ENG); Heavy Javascipt forms. Lot of crap advertisement. Use opera's "right click+block content" feature and use ready-made strings, like the following, changing subject as needed. For instance "angola": http://customwire.ap.org/dynamic/external/search.customwire.ap.org/wireCoreTool/Search?query=afghanistan
Very italo-centric. Lot of crap advertisement. Use opera's "right click+block content" feature. Ansa frequently sends out multiple versions, and most of these articles are not published in the newspapers. To browse the complete wire, just hit "go." Articles appear in chronological order. Example search string: http://www.ansa.it/webappnew/search/index.jsp?search=1&si=1&st=date&home=%2F&qt=venezia&submit=cerca&c=newscollection&lang=it&sb=date&home=%2F&ns=10
(http://www.thepaperboy.com/ ~ "5013 Newspapers From 175 Countries") Other engines & listings: http://www.ipl.org/div/news/ (University of Michigan, School of Information) Other engines & listings: http://www.newsdirectory.com/listnews.php Other engines & listings: http://www.onlinenewspapers.com/Top50/Top50-Current.htm
(http://www.marumushi.com/apps/newsmap/: marumushi's newsmap Some older readers may remember the even more beautiful "news aggregator with a geographical look" that was introduced on the web 5 years ago and then -alas- disappeared... There's another "really geographical aggregator, though: http://www.buzztracker.org/.
Alas! Most newspapers nowadays still offer only a chronological selection (a couple of weeks) or a short summary of their news, and mostly demand money in order to access their archives. This is of course very stupid and shortsighted: there is a very interesting, and growing, 'pressure' that those almost useless blogs are applying on today's web: since noone cares to pay, or even simply to wait, in order to enter a newspaper's archive or a journal's database, blogs (and the web at large) are -automatically- more and more linking ONLY to databases that are always accessible, and I mean accessible without strings attached. At the same time, since the importance of 'deep links for search engines' visibility is growing more and more, only idiots that want to disappear into irrelevance will insist in keeping their own archives (often the only interesting thing they have) inaccessible or barred behind a locked entrance. Transparent archives mean publicity, blocked archives mean irrelevance. See the journals section for more examples of this matter of fact. The following list will allow you to access some COMPLETE (or crippled but still quite useful) newspapers' archives.
A new searchable archive that spans articles from the past 200 years. This new service should offer access to articles as far back as "the mid-1700s". As you can imagine, if true, this could come quite handy for general data mining and for any kind of terminological research, especially if, as planned, it will be expanded beyond english to all other main european languages. Unfortunally most articles, and especially the oldest ones, are -idiotically- visible in extenso only under subscription or "pay-per-view" schemes. "Guardian and Observer articles since September 1, 1998. "Verity" -type search engine" - "We have no plans to introduce a charge to read Guardian articles online" (April 2004) DAILY: a good font of all-around information. http://www.guardianunlimited.co.uk/Archive/ This is the structure of a querystring @ the Guardian's archive: http://www.searchunlimited.co.uk/search97cgi/s97networkr_cgi? QueryText=%28%22How+to+search%22%29AND+%28VdkPublicationDate+%3E%3D+01%2DSep%2D1998%29 &ResultColSize=2000&ResultTemplate=ArchiveFull%2Ehts &Collection=archive&SortSpec=score+Desc&ResultStart=1&ResultCount=10&ResultMaxDocs=1000&Dtv=0 You can directly copy the following URL in the address field of your browser and modify the example (here the How+to+search snippet) with your querystring. http://www.searchunlimited.co.uk/search97cgi/s97networkr_cgi?QueryText=%28%22How+to+search%22%29AND+%28VdkPublicationDate+%3E%3D+01%2DSep%2D1998%29&ResultColSize=2000&ResultTemplate=ArchiveFull%2Ehts&Collection=archive&SortSpec=score+Desc&ResultStart=1&ResultCount=10&ResultMaxDocs=1000&Dtv=0 else use the form below: "Uncluttered" PDA Guardian page: http://www.guardian.co.uk/pda. Do not lose time "loggin in for free": you still wont be allowed to see those articles. WEEKLY Best unbiased professional information on the web. Querystring example: http://www.monde-diplomatique.fr/index/pays/angola "With The Japan Times search engine, you can search our archives for articles dating back to 1999, free of charge" DO NOT use quotes & DO NOT use more than one term on the first field, duh Querystring example: http://search.japantimes.co.jp/cgi-bin/JTsearch4.pl5?term1=angola&and=and&term2= Archives all the news published since November 1997. There are two ways of accessing the archive: Fast search: use the SEARCH box below; Advanced search (or click on the link in the search results page). Since thousands of stories are being added every week, you will probably need to use more than one search word: The more words you enter, the better your results. You can enter keywords, but you will get better results by entering longer free text - eg The night of the first Nato bombings of Serbia. Default is the most relevant results first, but you can chose search by date on the results page. You can use double quotes and the Boolean search terms AND, OR, NEAR and NOT, which must be in uppercase. For example search AND web NEAR engine Use * as a wildcard. Alger* will find stories about Algeria, Algerians etc. Querystring example: http://newssearch.bbc.co.uk/cgi-bin/search/results.pl?scope=newsukfs&tab=news&q=angola Note that if you add, for instance, ?start=20 to the query string, you go back in time accordingly (to page 20 of the results). WEEKLY: Average/good snippets of information (in German): "Hier finden Sie alle Beiträge, die von 1996 bis heute über das Internet veröffentlicht wurden. Es handelt sich nicht um ein vollständiges Verzeichnis aller gedruckten Artikel unseres Blattes." ONLY those articles that have been published on the web. Yet those are complete. 52 numbers for every year. Search function often broken. Archive Index DAILY: "Inserire le parole separate da spazi. Verranno trovati i documenti che contengono tutte le parole." Seems to search only a small set out of 70000 documents, though. La Repubblica: Ricerca complessa You may alternatively search the "Corriere della sera" (most important italian daily), its archives go back to 1992(!) but will allow you to read for free only all articles of the last two weeks or only those articles that are SHORTER THAN 1000 characters for the whole 1992-today period. http://archivio.corriere.it/archivio/form.jsp WEBBASED DAILY: Best arab coverage of world affairs in english "The alternative to CNN for Iraqi and Middle eastern affairs" Cookies' infested. Go here and choose advanced search, then fill in the various fields before launching the archive search: http://english.aljazeera.net/HomePage DAILY: Subcontinental affairs. This is in fact -funny enough- "The world's largest daily English language broadsheet" (and also the only newspaper in english situated among the top indian 10) DAILY: Europe's Capital most important Newspaper. THEORETICALLY from 1994 onwards, yet they seem, until now, to have articles only from Mai 2003 onwards. You can check only the first 150 articles for each query, so refine your queryes whenever necessary. DAILY: Gewiss: this is not the best German newspaper, but its archives are complete and free. DAILY: The San Francisco Chronicle is northern California's largest newspaper, it has a daily circulation of over 500,000 and has received the Pulitzer Prize on a number of occasions. Its archives are complete and free. |
The archive search contains staff written articles only. |
Select the date of issue and click "Get the Issue".
Very easy string: for instance http://www.hinduonnet.com/thehindu/2003/02/03/ = Hindu, 2003/02/03 (February 03, 2003)
When special tools are needed |
"Amazing: we have reached the point where (some) on line encyclopedias beat even the sixth Ausgabe of the Meyers lexicon" (fravia+) |
Quite useful for the exegesis section |
Also check the webbits section |
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