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VERY useful findings Google Web APIs Google in depth An easy way to search Google's cache How big is google's index |
789+13+156-82-87 | 0.91 euro per 1 litre in dollars per gallons | square root(3^5*34)... and so on Weather 95472 (if you live in the States) | weather Köln | weather Perugia... and so on Time Cincinnati | Time Berlin | Time Kuala Lumpur... and so on Movies Boston | Movies Bruxelles | Movies Bangkok... and so on |
q | $query (your query) | the search query, your target | |
Start | 0 -- MAX hits | The point in the search results where Google should start. Result 0 is the first result on the first page | |
num maxResults | 1 -- 100 | Number of results presented per page (MAX 100) | |
filter | O or 1 | false or true? If true (=1) they will "omit some entries very similar to those already displayed" and tell you that "If you like, you can repeat the search with the omitted results included" (thus setting the filter to zero) | |
restrict | "restrict code" for instance countryAF (Afghanistan) countryAR (Argentina) countryAU (Australia) countryBE (Belgium) countryBM (Bermuda)... |
Restrict results to a specific country (using country specific IP addresses... google is notoriously unreliable in this). Google also has four topic restricts: US. Government unclesam; GNU-Linux linux; Macintosh mac; FreeBSD bsd | |
hl | interface language code | At the moment the language codes for interface language are: af, sq, am, ar, az, eu, be, bn, bh, xx-bork, bs, br, bg, ca, zh-CN, zh-TW, hr, cs, da, nl, xx-elmer, en, eo, et, fo, tl, fi, fr, fy, gl, ka, de, el, gn, gu, xx-hacker, iw, hi, hu, is, id, ia, ga, it, ja, jw, kn, xx-klingon, ko, ky, la, lv, lt, mk, ms, ml, mt, mr, ne, no, nn, oc, or, fa, xx-piglatin, pl, pt-BR, pt-PT, pa, ro, ru, gd, sr, sh, st, si, sk, sl, es, su, sw, sv, ta, te, th, ti, tr, tk, tw, uk, ur, uz, vi, cy, xh, yi, zu. | |
lr | language restrict | Language restrict. Only display pages written in this language. Codes: Arabic lang_ar; Chinese (S) lang_zh-CN; Chinese (T) lang_zh-TW; Czech lang_cs; Danish lang_da; Dutch lang_nl; English lang_en; Estonian lang_et; Finnish lang_fi; French lang_fr; German lang_de; Greek lang_el; Hebrew lang_iw; Hungarian lang_hu; Icelandic lang_is; Italian lang_it; Japanese lang_ja; Korean lang_ko; Latvian lang_lv; Lithuanian lang_lt; Norwegian lang_no; Portuguese lang_pt; Polish lang_pl; Romanian lang_ro; Russian lang_ru; Spanish lang_es; Swedish lang_sv; Turkish lang_tr | |
ie | UTF-8 | The input encoding of Web searches. Google suggests UTF-8 | |
oe | UTF-8 | The output encoding of Web searches. Google suggests UTF-8 | |
as_epq | Exact phrase | Advanced search: "with the exact phrase". The value is submitted as an exact phrase. It's no more necessary to surround the phrase with quotes. | |
as_ft | i = include file
type; e = exclude file type a file extension | Advanced search: File format: Only | Don't.... Include or exclude the file type indicated by as_filetype (see below) | |
as_filetipe | file extension | Advanced search: File Format: ....return results of the file format. Include or exclude this file type as indicated by the value of as_ft (see above) | |
as_qdr | m3 = past 3 months; m6 = past 6 months; y = past year | Advanced search: Date Return web pages updated in the.... Locate pages updated within the specified timeframe. Here Daterange:Shally Steckerl explains as_qdr.Daterange:Shally Steckerl explains as_qdr | |
as_nlo | low number | Find numbers between as_nlo and as_nhi | |
as_nhi | high number | Find numbers between as_nlo and as_nhi | |
as_oq | a list of words | Find at least one among the words of the list | |
as_occt | any = anywhere; title = title of page; body = text of page; url = in the page URL; links = in links to the page | Advanced search: Occurrences Return results where my terms occur.... Find search term in a specific page location | |
as_dt | i = only include site or
domain; e = exclude site or domain | Advanced search: Domain: Only | Don't.... Include or exclude searches from the domain specified by as_sitesearch (see below) | |
as_sitesearch | domain or site | Advanced search: Domain: ...return results from the site or domain. Include or exclude this domain or site as specified by as_dt (see above) | |
safe | active = enable SafeSearch off = disable SafeSearch | Enables or disables "safe search" (Autocensoring) | |
as_rq | URL | Locate pages similar to this URL | |
as_lq | URL | Locate pages that link to this URL. | |
intitle allintitle | Query modifiers | Search within the title of a page. Title text is not limited to the TITLE HTML tag. A Web page’s document can be generated in any number of ways, and in some cases, a Web page might not even have a title at all. The thing to remember is that the title is the text that appears at the top of the Web page, and you can use intitle to locate text in that spot. When using intitle, it’s important to pay attention to the syntax of the search string, since the word or phrase following the word intitle is considered the search phrase. Other terms may be found anywhere in the page. Allintitle, on the contrary, tells Google that every single word or phrase that follows is to be found in the title of the page. Therefore putting "intitle:" in front of every word in your query is equivalent to putting "allintitle:" at the front of your query. | |
inurl allinurl | modifiers | Search text within a given URL. This gives you the opportunity to search for specific directories or folders. Extremely useful operator, together with the site and fyletipe operators. Just like the allintitle search, allinurl tells Google that every single word or phrase that follows is to be found only in the URL of the page. inurl: works only on words , not URL components. In particular, it ignores punctuation and uses only the first word following the "inurl:" operator. To find multiple words in a result URL, use the inurl: operator for each word. Note: Putting inurl: in front of every word in your query is equivalent to putting allinurl: at the front of your query. | |
filetype | Searches for pages that end in a particular file extension. The file extension is the part of the URL following the last period of the filename but before the question mark that begins the parameter list. Here some of the thousand possible extensions: Adobe Portable Document Format: Pdf; Adobe PostScript: Ps; Lotus 1-2-3: wk1, wk2, wk3, wk4, wk5, wki, wks, wku; Lotus WordPro: Lwp; MacWrite: Mw; Microsoft Excel: Xls; Microsoft PowerPoint: Ppt; Microsoft Word: Doc; Microsoft Works: wks, wps, wdb; Microsoft Write: Wri; Rich Text Format: Rtf; Shockwave Flash: Swf; Text ansi: txt | ||
allintext | Locates a string within the text of a page. The allintext operator is perhaps the simplest operator to use since it performs the function that search engines are most known for: locating a string within the text of the page. Although this advanced operator might seem too generic to be of any real use, it is handy when you know that the text you're looking for should only be found in the text of the page. Use allintext as a type of shorthand for "find this string anywhere except in the title, the URL, and links". Since this operator starts with the word all, every search term provided after the operator is considered part of the operator's search query | ||
site | modifier | Narrows a search to specific sites. A subset of inurl and allinurl. Parameters to Google’s site operator must end in a valid top-level domain name (org, com, etc). | |
link | Query | Companion to inanchor. The link operator allows you to search for pages that link to other pages. Instead of providing a search term, the link operator requires a URL or server name as an argument. It can include not only basic URLs but complete URLs that include directory names, filenames, parameters, and the like. The syntax must be a correct URL syntax, however. When an invalid link: syntax is provided, Google treats the search term not as a link, but as a phrase search | |
inanchor | Companion to link. The inanchor operator searches the text representation of a link, not the actual URL. For instance inanchor:webbits would search links like this one: webbits (that actually points to rabbits.htm) | ||
daterange | Search for pages published within a certain date range. Google designed the as_qdr field, for its advanced searching mask, to help you locate pages that have been updated within a given time frame (3 months, six months or one year). For example, to find pages that have been updated within the past six months and that contain the word fravia, use the query http://www.google.com/search?q=fravia&as_qdr=m6 (note that ~S~ Ritz has developed a full-fledged daterange mask for searchlores). | ||
numrange | The numrange operator requires two parameters, a low number and a high
number, separated by a dash. As the name suggests, numrange can be used to find
numbers within a range. For example, to locate the number 3008, a query such
as numrange:3007-3009
will work just fine. When searching with numrange
Google ignores symbols such as currency markers and commas, making it much
easier to search for numbers on a page. Instead of using the numrange operator, you can of course provide a query with two numbers separated by two periods. The shortened version of the query just mentioned would be 3007..3009. Notice however the difference between numrange and "double periods" queries: with the last the two limits (here 3007 and 3009) seem to have priority over the included values (here 3008). |
cache | Query | Used to get to google's cached link of the results page, cache:http://www.fravia.com or cache:http://www.yahoo.com. Just as with the link operator, passing an invalid hostname or URL as a parameter to cache will submit the query as a phrase search. A | |
info | Query | The info operator shows the summary information for a site and provides links to other Google searches that might pertain to that site. The parameter to this operator must be a valid URL or site name: info:www.searchlores.org. You can achieve this same functionality by supplying a site name or URL as a search query. Just as with the link and cache operators, passing an invalid hostname or URL as a parameter to info will submit the query as a phrase search. | |
related | Query | The related operator displays sites that Google has determined are related to a site. The parameter to this operator is a valid site name or URL. You can achieve this same functionality by clicking the Similar Pages link from any search results page or by using the "Find pages similar to the page" portion of the advanced search form | |
phonebook | searches for business and residential phone listings (only for the United States). For instance you may search a guy named "buster" in Alabama: buster al. Note that google's phonebook stops digging at 600 results (like its search engines stops digging at 1000). Wildcards don't work either. To do a reverse search, just enter the phone number with area code. Lookups without area code will not work: phonebook: (334) 636-2580. Google's "phonebook" is however a very poor way to find data about a specific person, or to stalk someone. See the ad hoc section of searchlores for more effective ways to find a telephonn number or an address. | ||
rphonebook | White pages: residential phone listings (only for the United States). Wildcards don't work. | ||
bphonebook | Yellow pages: business phone listings (only for the United States). Wildcards don't work. Then again, they're not needed; the Google phonebook does all the wildcarding for you. For example, if you want to find shops in New York with "Coffee" in the title, don't bother trying to envision every permutation of "Coffee Shop," "Coffee House," and so on. Just search for bphonebook:coffee new york ny and you'll get a list of any business in New York whose name contains the word "coffee." | ||
author | Usenet searching. The author operator will allow you to search for the author of a newsgroup post on usenet. The parameter to this option consists of a name or an e-mail address | ||
group | Usenet searching. This operator allows you to search the title of Google Groups posts for search terms. This is one of the operators that is very compatible with wildcards. For example, to search for groups that have a suffix "comp", a search such as group:comp* works well. | ||
msgid | Usenet searching. Locate a group post by message ID The msgid operator refers to a specificb group message identifier, a unique string that identifies a newsgroup post. The format is something like comp-sys-concurrent-intro-1-1061190083@gweep.ca, and you can see it only checking the complete header of a given message through the "show original" option in groups. Note however that this operator does not work reliably any more in google groups. | ||
insubject | Usenet searching. Insubject: search google groups subject lines (like intitle:) | ||
stocks | Search for stock information. Allows those that like to play pyramide schemes to search for information about a particular stock market company. The parameter for this operator must be a valid stock abbreviation (stock ticker). If you provide an invalid stock ticker abbreviation, you will be taken to a YAHOO screen (sic) that allows further searching for a correct ticker symbol, | ||
define | Show the definition of a term Returns definitions for a search term. Arguments to this operator may be a word or phrase. For instance: gross. Very anglophonic-centric feature. |
site:, link:, inurl:, allinurl:, intitle:, allintitle:, intext:, allintext:, filetype:, ext:, inanchor:, allinanchor:, phonebook:, rphonebook:, bphonebook:, daterange:
Index of /rmx/impregnation
Index of /rmx/impregnation. ... cymb.wav 14-Mar-2003 08:14 975k hh.wav 14-Mar-2003 08:14
780k kick.wav 14-Mar-2003 08:14 780k rain.wav 14-Mar-2003 08:15 4.2M sample1 ...
chronofixion.free.fr/rmx/impregnation/ - 4k - 26 Mar 2003 - Cached - Similar pages
Mmmm... the six asterisks put the info we need in bold. See the size? 4.2M :)