→ fravia_summa.htm
Updated in
Fravia's searching essays: Quaerite et invenietis
Global searching techniques and advice
Specific searching techniques and advice
Conferences and workshops
Global searching techniques and advice
long term web searching
(rules and advice, updated 2008)
short term web searching
(various tips, updated 2008)
deep web searching
(how to access and exploit the shallow deep web, updated 2008)
effective searching
(the golden rules of searching, updated 2009)
Learning to transform questions into effective queries
(7 examples for the classic 7 questions - 2007)
Searching problems, web problems
(the "optimistical laws" of web-searching. A tag obsolete: 2003)
objects searching
(non web-related: how to find lost objects, updated 2009)
Specific searching techniques and advice
Machine Translation
(Language barriers & language magic boots - March 2009)
"La legge dell'oca" a web-searching rule
(music searching: a demonstration of the direct relation between "findability" and "celebrity" - March 2008)
The synecdochical searching method
The YO-YO Technique
(and a discussion about search engines' depth - 2001/2)
The epanaleptical approach
(and other fuzzy searching tricks - december 2001/2)
How to build a Google prefilter
(an example: Termisearch - Mai 2007)
Find, the command: How to find using find
(searching inside a GNU/Linux box: how to locate, list and grep whatever you need whenever you need it - April 2007)
Images finding on the web as art and passion
(searching and understanding an image without knowing its name and purpose - November 2004)
Database searching galore
(Covering the invisible web - Obsolete:2000)
How search engines work
(Obsolete: 2000)
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