TO: (or any other agora) SUBJECT: nutting ----------------------- BODY: send\ (not you) will scan the HTTP server port of your target domain, and you'll get the following answer emailed to your alias: is running Apache/1.2.5.Substitute a domain name of your choice to the using the following schema (note the \ linebreak sign, because most email apps will else break your line arbitrarly)...:
#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w # findport - find a server running at an unknown TCP port # <title></title> # Copyright (C) 1996 by John J. Chew unshift(@INC, "$ENV{HOME}/lib/perl"); require ''; require 'sys/'; sub Usage { die "Usage: $0 [-m] [-O] [-q] host [start-port]\n". "-m allow multiple matches\n". "-O try `obvious' ports\n". "-q be quiet\n". ""; } &Getopts('mOq') || &Usage; $#ARGV < $[ && &Usage; $#ARGV > $[ + 1 && &Usage; $#ARGV > $[ && $opt_O && &Usage; ($serverhostname, $serverportname) = @ARGV; $serverportname = 7777 unless defined $serverportname; @gObvious = ( # popular port numbers for MOOs 7777, 8888, 6666, 6969, 1234, 1701, 4444, 2112, 2499, 4000, 8000, 9595, 1138, 1359, 1709, 1848, 1961, 1975, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2029, 2345, 3000, 3175, 4201, 4242, 5000, 5678, 6464, 7000, 7007, 7200, 7700, 7878, 8080, 8889, 9000, 9020, 9030, 9040, 9999, 3434, # other `obvious' numbers 1111, 1112, 1113, 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2222, 2223, 2224, 3001, 3333, 3334, 3335, 3456, 4001, 4445, 4446, 4567, 5001, 5556, 5557, 6000, 6001, 6667, 6668, 6789, 7001, 7778, 7779, 7890, 8001, 9001, ); sub die { die $_[0] unless $opt_q; exit 1; } sub lint { $opt_m; } $sockaddr_t = 'S n a4 x8'; ($name, $aliases, $protocol) = getprotobyname('tcp'); socket(S, &PF_INET, &SOCK_STREAM, $protocol) || &die("socket() failed: $!"); chop($clienthostname = `hostname`); (($name, $aliases, $type, $length, $clientaddress) = gethostbyname($clienthostname)) || &die("gethostbyname($clienthostname) failed: $!"); $clientname = pack($sockaddr_t, &AF_INET, 0, $clientaddress); bind(S, $clientname) || &die("bind() failed: $!"); (($name, $aliases, $port) = getservbyname($serverportname, 'tcp')) || ($port = $serverportname); (($name, $aliases, $type, $length, $serveraddress) = gethostbyname($serverhostname)) || &die("gethostbyname($ARGV[0]) failed: $!"); $| = 1; $port = shift @gObvious if $opt_O; while (1) { $servername = pack($sockaddr_t, &AF_INET, $port, $serveraddress); print "$port" unless $opt_q; if (connect(S, $servername)) { print "\n\a" unless $opt_q; print "$port is active.\n"; exit 0 unless $opt_m; } else { print " "; $opt_O ? (($port = shift @gObvious) || exit) : $port++; close(S); socket(S, &PF_INET, &SOCK_STREAM, $protocol) || &die("socket() failed: $!"); bind(S, $clientname) || &die("bind() failed: $!"); } }
To: RFC-INFO@ISI.EDU Subject: [nutting: leave blank] ---------------------------------------------- Body: Retrieve: RFC Doc-Id: RFC1060
RFC 1060: Table of Contents INTRODUCTION.................................................... 2 Data Notations.................................................. 3 Special Addresses............................................... 4 VERSION NUMBERS................................................. 6 PROTOCOL NUMBERS................................................ 7 PORT NUMBERS.................................................... 9 UNIX PORTS......................................................13 INTERNET MULTICAST ADDRESSES....................................19 IANA ETHERNET ADDRESS BLOCK.....................................20 IP TOS PARAMETERS...............................................21 IP TIME TO LIVE PARAMETER.......................................23 DOMAIN SYSTEM PARAMETERS........................................24 BOOTP PARAMETERS................................................25 NETWORK MANAGEMENT PARAMETERS...................................26 ARPANET AND MILNET LOGICAL ADDRESSES............................30 ARPANET AND MILNET LINK NUMBERS.................................31 ARPANET AND MILNET X. 25 ADDRESS MAPPINGS.......................32 IEEE 802 NUMBERS OF INTEREST....................................34 ETHERNET NUMBERS OF INTEREST....................................35 ETHERNET VENDOR ADDRESS COMPONENTS..............................38 ETHERNET MULTICAST ADDRESSES....................................41 XNS PROTOCOL TYPES..............................................43 PROTOCOL/TYPE FIELD ASSIGNMENTS.................................44 PRONET 80 TYPE NUMBERS..........................................45 ADDRESS RESOLUTION PROTOCOL PARAMETERS..........................46 REVERSE ADDRESS RESOLUTION PROTOCOL OPERATION CODES.............47 DYNAMIC REVERSE ARP.............................................47 X.25 TYPE NUMBERS...............................................48 PUBLIC DATA NETWORK NUMBERS.....................................49 TELNET OPTIONS..................................................51 MAIL ENCRYPTION TYPES...........................................52
send\ &Server=whois.internic.netAnd thou shall get the following:
Results from WHOIS server for query: -------------------------------------------------------------- FortuneCity.Com Ltd (ASKRIGG-DOM) ASKRIGG.COM FortuneCity.Com Ltd (FORTUNECITY4-DOM) FORTUNECITY.NET FortuneCity.Com Ltd (FCMAIL-DOM) FCMAIL.COM Software Direct (FORTUNECITY-DOM) FORTUNECITY.COM To single out one record, look it up with "!xxx", where xxx is the handle, shown in parenthesis following the name, which comes first.Now, as you have read, you must be patient (the foremost quality of a good stalker): let's go on with what they asked:
send!FCMAIL-DOM\ &Server=whois.internic.netAnd now we'll get a wealth of stalking information:
Registrant: FortuneCity.Com Ltd (FCMAIL-DOM) 140 Offord Road, Islington London., N1 1PF UK Domain Name: FCMAIL.COM Administrative Contact: Metcalfe, Dan (DM10032) dan@FORTUNECITY.COM 0171 700 1617 (FAX) 0171 609 2815 Technical Contact, Zone Contact: Donnahoo, Lee (LD2352) lee@COMMTOUCH.COM 408-245-8682 (FAX) 408-245-3466 Billing Contact: Metcalfe, Dan (DM10032) dan@FORTUNECITY.COM 0171 700 1617 (FAX) 0171 609 2815 Record last updated on 29-Apr-98. Record created on 24-Feb-98. Database last updated on 16-Sep-98 04:13:51 EDT. Domain servers in listed order: PRONTODNS.PRONTOMAIL.COM NS1.INFORMAIL.COM NS3.EXODUS.NET