English French German Japanese Italian
This section is still a proof of concept, hence, of
course, in fieri.
Please, by all means, give your suggestions and
feedback, so that we can add more stuff
Webster's Online Dictionary "The Rosetta Edition"
An incredible online dictionary/pictionary/translator
"The Rosetta Edition"
By all means, do
SCROLL DOWN your results after having searched. And then scroll down some more :-)
Roget's Thesaurus (synonims galore)
Collins Word exchange
Example (mobbing):
the collins form refuse to work, just use this URL address
the term you'r searching for)
Merriam-Webster Dictionaries on line(Poor quality & advertisements infested,
use Merriam-Webster's
rosetta edition above instead)
Example (substitute "
sweet+potato" with whatever):
Heinle's Newbury House DictionaryAnother online dictionary, containing over 40,000 entries, based on the
Heinle's Newbury House Dictionary of American English
"On dit d'un mauvais traducteur, qu'il fait sa traduction à coups de Dictionnaire"
The Project for American and French Research on the Treasury of the French Language (ARTFL)
Simultaneously query Jean Nicot's Thresor de la langue française (1606)
and the Dictionnaire de L'Académie française 1st (1694), 5th (1798), and 6th
(1835) editions
Dictionnaire de l'Académie française, 8e édition
A very good dictionary: visit it
and click on Menu principal. Then go for either "Chercher dans le dictionnaire" or
"Lancer une recherche"
You'll receive a session number which will allow you to search and also memorize the history of your queries. It's a real pity that
the program imposes such bazar and does not allow direct simple queries of the dictionary.
Le Trésor de
la Langue Française InformatiséSlightly different script than the previous one, alas
when you visit it-
the interface is even more appalling than the previous one.
Here too, you'll receive a session number which will allow you to search and also memorize the history of your queries.
CNRS - Université de Caen: synonymes
Use cookies.
Offers also a "Classement complet des synonymes, détail des sens macroscopiques (composantes connexes) et microscopiques (cliques)" of
the term you will search.
Le Conjugueur (private php script by Brewalan Le Drû)
"Le dictionnaire interne comporte environ 8000 verbes différents ce qui est plus que le nombre
de verbes utilisés chaque jour dans toutes les conversations"
Online DWBhttp://germa83.uni-trier.de/DWB/welcome.htm:
DWB (Grimm's Woerterbuch) im Internet
Site very slow: overbloated with _javascript
nonsense "hidden" behind the entrance at
Habt Geduld... it will eventually kick in.
Grimm's search form
Leipziger Uni Wortschatz
Alle Achtung!
http://www.sanseido.net/: Sanseido Japanese
Web Dictionary
"Traduttore traditore"
(Tesoro della Lingua Italiana delle Origini). In fieri, (only A-C completed) but
a VERY good italian dictionary!
Here the link to the 'www.sapere.it' (De Agostini)
Idem, 'www.sapere.it'
(De Agostini)
sinonimi e contrari:
'www.sapere.it' (De Agostini)
Termini italiani nel loro
(& similia, et ab hic et ab hoc, & enciclopedie...):
della crusca" (the italian linguistic academy), use the form below, but after your first search you'll have
to click once more on "mostra" (they seem to love having people clicking around):
etimologico on line (versione web del Vocabolario Etimologico della
Lingua Italiana di Ottorino Pianigiani)
http://www.rae.es/ (Real Academia),
more appropriately:
(at Logos/Verba, GNU licensed)
Query -say- "andare" and then click on -say- "fummo
andati" to see the context.
(or enter "fummo andati" to find the verb)
Query -say- "stehen" and then click on -say-
"standt" to see the context.
(or enter "standt" to find the verb)
Another one at ultralingua.net
French, Spanish, German, Italian & Portuguese)
Enter a verb infinitive
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