USENET'S SUPREME COURT OF LAST RESORT (i.e. us [tinu]) is hereby required and requested to give solemn consideration to the following ARTICLES, presented in evidence that YING GUO, alias Real Friendly Neighborhood Vote Ranger, alias yyyiiinnnggg, alias Knight of Fairness, alias Fishenstein, alias Funkelfish, alias "That moron I've plonked six times already today" is deserving of IMPEACHMENT according to the Immutable Laws governing the free and open discourse of this Blessed Empire of Meow: (Article One) Whereas, in the Year of Grace 2004, in the month of September, the aforesaid Ying Guo did, with stupidity aforethought, engage in a flame war with a Mechanical Posting Mechanism (hereinafter referred to as "a bot") and did most feloniously fail to win the aforementioned flame war; (Article Two) And whereas, in the same Year of Grace 2004, in the month of October, the aforesaid Ying Guo did compound his treasonable idiocy by engaging in a flame war with yet another bot (hereinafter referred to as a "Mechanical Posting Mechanism"), and did attempt to secure undeserved victory by the cowardly and treacherous devices of (1) Morphing, (2) Setting Kooky Follow-Ups and (3) Making A Few People Feel Almost Sorry For Him; (Article Three) And whereas, at sundry intervals during the second and third millennia of the Common Era, the aforementioned Ying Guo did demonstrate many times to the satisfaction of all observers that he couldn't fucking troll the fucking skin off a fucking rice pudding (hereinafter referred to as a "bland but nutritious milk-based dessert"); (Article Four) And whereas, by posting innnumerable messages (hereinafter referrred to as "illiterate, incomprehensible garbage") in one or more Official AUK Voting Threads, the aforementioned Ying Guo did, with murderous intent, make the Friendly Neighbourhood Vote Wrangler come close to rupturing himself from sheer incredulous laughter at the unbelievable vanity of the kook; IT IS THEREFORE HEREBY PROPOSED: (One) That the aforesaid Ying Guo be sent to stand trial before a court of his peers in alt.idiots, alt.morons and alt.fucknozzles, to be charged with the capital offence of making the rest of them look almost clever; (Two) That the aforesaid Ying Guo be consigned summarily and forthwith, without right of appeal, to the depths of the Galactic Killfile, being thus disqualified in perpetuity from all the many prestigious and profitable awards and offices to which his betters in the world of kookery are entitled; (Three) That the aforesaid Ying Guo be awarded instead the Brown Clownpants Award (as approximately suggested by The Noble Lord Mair Fheal (Grand Duke of Westernesse and Acting Mayor of The Shire) for displaying unmanly cowardice in the face of a Perl Script, as heretofore mentioned in Article Two of the aforementioned Articles; (Four) That the aforesaid Ying Guo be renamed "Ying Guo the Non-Existent" and treated accordingly by all good men and true (and by us evil lying bastards and Mechanical Posting Mechanisms [hereinafter referred to as "bots"] as well); (Five) That the aforesaid Ying Guo be fined a sum of five hundred quatloos, and additionally be required to replenish the Cabal Obsidian Order's beer fridge daily for a period of one calendar month or until Wollmann files a lawsuit, whichever period may be the longer; WHEREUNTO all Usenet posters in good standing (and as many trolls and kookologists as care to join in) are requested and required to affix their signatures and those of their heralds, high stewards and armigerous sockpuppets. Hail Fluffy! Ave Ming! Heil "Bob"! Praise the Lord and pass the Gray Alien Sauce dispenser!