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Adding functionality to Opera
by ~Roman
this was written 3 April 2005

Opera is truly a brilliant browser, offering near infinite extensibility. In a previous essay i wrote about adding functionality to Opera using mouse gestures and keyboard shortcuts to execute javascript (like bookmarklets). Javascript is, however not the only thing that can be run. Arbitrary executables can be executed using (for buttons):

opera:/button/Execute program,"","","" (although i couldn't get arguments to work in linux)

In this project I'll be using Opera's panel (the bar down the left hand side that displays links, transfers etc.) to display the HTTP headers from our incoming and outgoing packets.

NOTE: I am using linux, and this program will be written in C. It is almost definately possible to do in windows, but at present i could not be bothered trying. Also you must be root to get the packet listener to work.

First we need a way of capturing our incoming and outgoing packets, without stealing them from Opera, and without using a proxy. For this task there is a C library called "libpcap" or "the packet capture library". Find it on the web and download it. There are many tutorials on installing and using this library, just look on google.

Next we need a program that, given all of our packets, will discard any non-http ones, and extract the http headers from those remaining. This is not as hard as it sounds, i have included "httpheader.c" see the end of the document. To compile it use: gcc httpheader.c -o httpheader -lpcap then run it using ./httpheader

There is little error checking, it is more of a 'proof of concept' than a well thought out, robust piece of code.

The program at the moment writes text to a file called httpheaders.html in /home//. Run the program and visit some sites on the net. The program will stop collecting packets after it has seen 50 tcp packets (note this many will not be displayed in the file, since we are only printing the http packets, and not all tcp packets are http). Once this is done, open the output file (/home//httpheaders.html) using Opera, and all your http headers should be visible in the file. Go to "bookmark page...", name it "headers", then click the "Show in panel" box. Now there should be a button on the panel that says "headers". Click on it. The contents of the file should be shown in the panel.

At the moment, this is not really all that useful, since we are just showing a static html file. But this can be changed.

Copy the file ./httpheaders (the executable) to /usr/bin so it can be run from the command line. Now go to opera preferences and find the 'keyboard shortcuts' modifying page, find a convenient keyboard shortcut (such as F12), and modify the action to be (this could also be done with mouse gestures or buttons): Execute program,"httpheaders"

This will run the program everytime you press the F12 key. Now press F12, then visit a few sites. Bring up the "headers" panel and press "reload", and all your http headers from your browsing will be shown in the panel. Viewing your headers in opera like this is kind of useful, but it could probably be improved. My initial prototype had as output plain text, but this was easily changed to HTML. At the moment the user IP is hardcoded in and then compared to the packets to determine if they are outgoing or incoming, so that incoming is in red and outgoing is in blue text. An improvement on this could be to use the port numbers, since if the destination is port 80, it is going to the server, and if it is going to some other port it is probably going to the client. Each packet's source IP and destination IP is printed in any case.

I got up to this stage and thought everything was pretty good, except that having to reload the panel manually after running the program was a bit cumbersome. So what about embedding javascript in the program output so that it automatically reloads itself in opera every 5 seconds? I tried using Opera's "reload every..." function, but when i did this it reloads the main page periodically, not the page in the panel.

Using javascript to autorefresh the page every 5 seconds does work, but every time it refreshes it jumps back to the top of the file, which gets quite annoying if you want to read something at the bottom of the page. So I think I'll just be stuck with the annoyance of having to manually reload it every time I run the program with F12.

With all this you would have a pretty good http header viewer, all without exiting opera.

The good thing is, this approach is not just limited to viewing headers, but to any application that you can write a C (or any other language) application for.

A possibility I have been thinking of is a "search log" that automatically logs all the search terms you use in each search engine that you use, with all of these queries viewable in a side panel similar to the one used in the http header viewer. Basically used to keep track of what you have searched for. It could be handy when following many side-trails to keep from getting lost on a long search.

I can not help but think though, that perhaps I am doing this the hard way. It would probably be far more effective to write a plugin for opera that does this, instead of writing a html file and getting opera to read it. If you are interested, opera uses the netscape4 plugin api. Have a look on google.

In any case, have a go, write up what you did and send it back to fravia so we can build upon each others findings.

Here is httpheaders.c, try pasting it into a C IDE so you can get syntax highliting, this makes it much easier to read.


/***************************BEGIN OF FILE******************************/
   This program picks up http headers from the machine it
   is running on. It only gets 50 tcp packets before it quits,
   but since not all tcp packets are http, and only the http
   ones get output to file, you wont get 50 http headers.
   program output is in the form of a html document, with incoming
   packets in red and outgoing in blue. If you make this thing format
   your harddisk its not my fault.
   Trying to implement a 
   program that does the same thing will teach you a lot
   about the subject areas involved.


#include <pcap.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>


/* function definitions */
int ip_header_len(const unsigned char *packet);
int tcp_header_len(const unsigned char *packet);
void printInfo(const unsigned char *packet, FILE* fp);

char timeString[256];
time_t tod; /* holds the time */

/* insert your own ip here, this allows different coloured html
   depending on whether the packets are incoming or outgoing */
char *sourceIP = "";
char *initial = "<HTML><PRE></FONT></PRE></HTML>";

 * this gets called every time a packet is recieved 
void callback(unsigned char *args, const struct pcap_pkthdr* pkthdr,
              const unsigned char *packet)
    /* -packet is a pointer to the start of the packet
       -http is a pointer to the beginning of the http header */
    const unsigned char *http;

    const unsigned char *ptr;
    int i;  /* used for various counting tasks */
    FILE* fp; /* file pointer to the file we are writing */

    /* we already know the packet is tcp because we set the
       filter in the main method */
    if (pkthdr->len > 66){ /* ignore packets that are too short */

        /* the http header starts after the ethernet, ip 
           and tcp headers. We have to read ip and tcp header
           lengths from the packet */
             ip_header_len(packet) + tcp_header_len(packet);
        http = packet + i; /* make http point to the right spot */

        /* open a file */
        fp = fopen("httpheaders.html", "r+b"); 
        if (fp == 0){ printf("error opening file\n"); exit(1); }
        /* start writing 21 bytes before end of file 
           so we overwrite the old "</FONT></PRE></HTML>"
           at the end of the file */
        i = fseek(fp, -21,SEEK_END);
        if (i == -1){ printf("error with fseek\n"); exit(1); }

        /* print header if packet starts with GET,POST or HTTP */
        if( (strncmp(http,"GET",3) == 0) || (strncmp(http,"POST",4) == 0) ){
            printInfo(packet,fp); // print src,dst and capture time

            /* set i to the length of the http header */
            i = pkthdr->len - (int)(http - packet);

            /* if it starts with GET or POST, we want to write the 
               rest of the packet to file */
            fwrite(http, i, 1, fp);

        }else if (strncmp(http,"HTTP",4) == 0){
            printInfo(packet,fp); /* print src,dst and capture time */

            /* if it starts with HTTP, we only want to write the section
               up to "\r\n\r\n" to file */
            ptr = strstr(http,"\r\n\r\n"); 
            if (ptr == 0){ printf("cant tell where to stop\n"); return; }

            /* ptr should be a pointer to where to stop writing */ 
            fwrite(http, (int)(ptr - http), 1, fp);
            fwrite( "\n\n", 2, 1, fp);

/* this initialises the network interface so we can read packets
   from it */
int main(int argc,char **argv)
    char *dev; 
    char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE];
    pcap_t* descr;
    struct bpf_program cp;      /* hold compiled program     */
    bpf_u_int32 maskp;          /* subnet mask               */
    bpf_u_int32 netp;           /* ip                        */
    u_char* args = NULL;
    FILE* fd;

    /* grab a device to peak into... */
    dev = pcap_lookupdev(errbuf);
    if(dev == NULL)
    { printf("%s\n",errbuf); exit(1); }

    /* ask pcap for the network address and mask of the device */

    /* open device for reading.*/
    descr = pcap_open_live(dev,BUFSIZ,0,-1,errbuf);
    if(descr == NULL)
    { printf("pcap_open_live(): %s\n",errbuf); exit(1); }

    /* Lets try and compile the program.. get only tcp to/from port 80 */
    if(pcap_compile(descr,&cp,"tcp port 80",0,netp) == -1)
    { fprintf(stderr,"Error calling pcap_compile\n"); exit(1); }

    /* set the compiled program as the filter */
    if(pcap_setfilter(descr,&cp) == -1)
    { fprintf(stderr,"Error setting filter\n"); exit(1); }
    /* creates the file if it doesnt exist, deletes contents
       if it is present */
    fd = fopen("httpheaders.html", "w"); 

    /* we write initial HTML tags */ 
    /* ... and loop   */
    pcap_loop(descr,50,callback,args); /* get 50 packets */
    return 0;

/* ip_header_len returns the length of the ip header.
   If something other than an ip packet gets passed to it,
   you'll just get gibberish. The packet must be a complete 
   packet lifted from the wire including ethernet header etc. */
int ip_header_len(const unsigned char *packet){
   return 4 * (packet[14] & 0x0f); 

/* tcp_header_len returns the length of the tcp header.
   If something other than a tcp packet gets passed to it,
   you'll just get gibberish. The packet must be a complete 
   packet lifted from the wire including ethernet header etc. */
int tcp_header_len(const unsigned char *packet){
   return 4 * ((packet[46]) >> 4);

/* print the source ip, destination ip, and time of capture */
void printInfo(const unsigned char *packet, FILE* fp){
    char sourceStr[20];
    char destStr[20];
    char line[30] = "\n------------------------\n";
    char src[7] = "src: ";
    char dst[8] = " dest: ";
    char tme[12] = "\ncaptured: ";
    if (strcmp(sourceIP,sourceStr) == 0){
        fwrite("</FONT><FONT COLOR=\"#0000ff\">",29, 1,fp);
        fwrite("</FONT><FONT COLOR=\"#ff0000\">",29, 1,fp);
    tod = time(&tod);
    strftime(timeString, 256, "%c", localtime(&tod));
    fwrite(line,strlen(line), 1,fp);
    fwrite(src,strlen(src), 1,fp);
    fwrite(sourceStr, strlen(sourceStr), 1,fp);
    fwrite(dst, strlen(dst), 1,fp);
    fwrite(destStr, strlen(destStr), 1,fp);
    fwrite(tme,strlen(tme), 1,fp);
    fwrite(line,strlen(line), 1,fp);

/***************************END OF FILE******************************/

And here it is how it looks like:

example of http capture

Finally, since we are on a "Opera-related" page, a famous svdism (Svd's wisdom):
"hit ctrl-B in opera. Then LEARN it by mind!"
you'll thank me more than once for this advice...

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