Reversing webferret's advertisement banners ~
by fravia+

~The dimensional reversing approach & the 'slack' trick~


Courtesy of [] ~ Part of the remove banners section of the anti-advertisement lab.
Reversing webferret's advertisement banners

~The dimensional reversing approach & the 'slack' trick~
by fravia+
Started in December 2000


This is a 'multi-path' approach to removing webferret's (and -I hope- any other advertisement infested software) ad-banners, targeted for searchers and conoisseurs that didn't reverse much software before and that want to learn some simple software reversing techniques ('cracking for newbies' continued, eheh)... note that I'm working on this on my (scarce) spare time, so there will be additions, and modifications, and new 'hooks', and corrections anytime I'll find them and reckon they could be of some value for my readers.
The holy purpose is as always to destroy advertisements and at the same time to empower people to modify the software they use to suit their own needs (transforming -sortof- the horrible windoze 'proprietary' and 'crook_prone' system into a gnu/linux-type freeware system).
This is version dec26_2000 of this essay.
I wish to show all readers some very simple techniques to get rid of ANY advertismeent embedded in any software application whatsoever. Moreover I want to show you a technique so simple (the 'dimensional' approach) that even those among you that don't understand much about assembly and source code and software reversing techniques will be nevertheless able to get rid of embedded ads should they wish so.

For this reason this short essay will delve inside some codesnippets that appear to be very common inside all programs infested by advertisements.
I hope I'll be able to show you SEVERAL ways to tackle (and solve) the ad-problem.


You'll need following tools:

@ work!

OK, let's start and let's reverse webferret... as an added advantage of this 'reversing approach', the big industry that was developing such indelicate pushing of 'advertisement eye-sore' through socalled 'free' software (I frankly don't know how many million dollars they were supposed to make with such dirty deeds) is now eventually doomed... at least I hope, eheh... Reverse engineers as medieval knights, helping unaware fellow humans in peril. I love the picture. Actually, come to think of it... more wizards than knights are we... maybe.

Download in order to start webferret, a 'free' software bot that you can (and should: it works very well) use to search the web. It is a very simple bot, yet at times useful even for experienced searchers. Anyone can download for 'free' this software, but it has alas an horrible bug: a small window opens inside it and pushes awful advertising banners into your eyes until they get sore.
Moreover -and that's the real problem- all similar appz use their banners ALSO in order to track your habits: the clicking patterns of those among you that are really so stupid as to fall for advert banners are of course registered, grepped, 'consolidated' and subsequently, of course, sold to third parties.

How would you proceed to 'ameliorate' this appz?
There are so many ways... a very simple one that I want to explain you here, is through the DIMENSIONS of the offensive banner.
Look at the window dimensions: 63 height * 473 pixels width. (You can use either softice's hwnd -x command or a good ruler like sruler, or simply the customizer itself).
The two decimal numbers 63 & 473 translate into 0x3F and Ox1D9 in hexadecimal.

Since these two parameters must be pushed somewhere inside the code, we proceed to disassemble our target (use either wdasm or [IDA!]) and then we examine the 'dead listing' of the disassembled code.
What are we looking for? First of all we "should" find somewhere inside the code BOTH dimensions pushed, a 'long' push is 68xxxx with inverted notation and a 'short' push is 6ax, therefore we'll look for:
a 68D9010000 = push 000001D9
a 6A3F push 0000003F
of course, since these parameters are to be BOTH pushed in order to set the width and height of a given window, they should be very near to each other.
Let's begin and fetch how often our width and height are pushed inside the code ueberhaupt...
Let's begin with the width 1D9 (you should always begin with the most 'unprobable' value, in order to avoid wading through too many duplicates):
how strange...nowhere a 68D9010000 (push 000001D9) is to be found...
but there are nevertheless seven 6A3F push 0000003F... at the following locations... 41E0DF, 46DA8A, 474320, 4865F0, 49375F, 493BE9

so what are we to do?
We are going to use the 'slack' zen method when reversing programs... if you don't find a given value try the values that 'come near' to it :-)

The 'slack' method

Let's try for 'slack' values... many years ago, while reversing sruler, I was discussing with my friend Frog's print the importance of pixel dimensions (and colors) used in windows when sniffing dead listing for reversing purposes. We noticed that such dimensions (and colors) are frequently used in a 'slack' way... often enough programmers seem to be unsure of what happens exactly whem the compiler will assemble their graphical indications and therefore 'allow' some marge (mostly one pixel), often enough compilers seem to ignore the indications given by programmers and 'accomodate' the code :-)
For this reason, even if our target, the 'advertisement window' is 1D9 width per 3F height, we'll nevertheless search for pushes that are 1d8, 1D9 and 1da (for width) and 3e, 3f and 40 (for height)... just in case... Here we go:

68D8010000 = push 000001D8 (472) .... three occurrences: 46CD68, 46DA7D, 47430C,
68D9010000 = push 000001D9 (473) .... no occurrence whatsoever
68DA010000 = push 000001DA (474) .... no occurrence whatsoever
6A3E = push 0000003E (62) .... two occurrences: 4239DF & 496121
6A3F = push 0000003F (63) .... six: 41E0DF, 46DA8A, 474320, 4865F0, 49375F, 493BE9
6A40 = push 00000040 (64) .... two occurrences: 40108C & 47435D,

Zen-cracking? No, no... this is an incredibly easy approach, isn't it?
We don't have any push 1d9, we don't have any push 1da... nosser! WE HAVE ONLY THREE LOCATIONS FOR WIDTH 472! Which therefore must be the allowed width for our -soon to be destroyed- advertisement window. There are no 473 and no 474 pixels inside this code (Ox1D9 and 0x1da), so let's just feel the code snippets around 472 (1d8)... since we do not have nothing else even remotely approaching the width we are seeking... You dig it? No 1DA, no 1D9... therefore 1D8!
Whereas for the advertisement window 'exact height' is respected... (63 pixels, i.e. 0x3f) we have various possible locations inside our 'dead listed' code: 1,6,7,8,9,9 (i.e. 9 twice) for 6A3F plus, eventually 2 & 9 and 0 and 7 'slacking' 6A3F and hence allowing for both 6A3E and 6A40
And therefore the only possible bingo combinations must of course regroup BOTH width and height and are hence the following two locations (I know you understand this, now): so we must concentrate on BOTH these 6 and 7 addresses, eh (uh? you follow me?, this is just deadlisting, we DO NOT NEED TO DEBUG ANYTHING... just a pencil and a brain...) let's have a look at both location areas right now, together...

THE 6 snippet (in the reality 46DA...)
:6CD5E E82546FFFF    call 61388
:6CD63 59            pop ecx
:6CD64 84C0          test al, al
:6CD66 7463          je 6CDCB  ;a jump just before the ad-push... eheh
:6CD68 68D8010000    push 1D8  ;ALTERNATIVE 1: this is one 
			       ;less than ;1D9=473, eh...
			       ;let's try setting this
			       ;value to zero...  i.e. 6800000000,
			       ;push zero ads, ahah!
:6CD6D E8B225FBFF    call 1F324
:6CD72 59            pop ecx
:6CD73 898520FFFFFF  mov dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFF20], eax
:6CD79 6A3F          push 3F      ;this one is definitely 3F=63, eh
:6CD7B E8F425FBFF    call 1F374  ;what are we calling here?
:6CD80 59            pop ecx
:6CD81 89851CFFFFFF  mov dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFF1C], eax
:6CD87 8D93AC000000  lea edx, dword ptr [ebx+AC]
:6CD8D 52            push edx
:6CD8E 6A00          push 0
:6CD90 8B8D1CFFFFFF  mov ecx, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFF1C]
:6CD96 51            push ecx
:6CD97 8B8520FFFFFF  mov eax, dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFF20]
:6CD9D 50            push eax
:6CD9E 6A00          push 0
:6CDA0 6A00          push 0
:6CDA2 8B93BC020000  mov edx, dword ptr [ebx+2BC]
:6CDA8 8B8AEC010000  mov ecx, dword ptr [edx+1EC]
:6CDAE 51            push ecx
:6CDAF 8D83F8040000  lea eax, dword ptr [ebx+4F8]
:6CDB5 50            push eax
:6CDB6 E81DD3FAFF    call 1A0D8
:6CDBB 83C420        add esp, 20
:6CDBE 8D93F8040000  lea edx, dword ptr [ebx+4F8]
:6CDC4 52            push edx
:6CDC5 E86ED4FAFF    call 1A238
:6CDCA 59            pop ecx

:6CDCB 53            push ebx
:6CDCC E8578A0100    call 85828
:6CDD1 59            pop ecx
:6CDD2 53            push ebx
:6CDD3 E8C8750000    call 743A0

THE 7 snippet (in the reality 4743...) (samo samo)
:74302 E881D0FEFF  call 61388
:74307 59          pop ecx
:74308 84C0        test al, al
:7430A 742F        je 7433B   ; avoid annoying: set to jmp (EB2f)
:7430C 68D8010000  push 1D8   ; push the width once more
:74311 E80EB0FAFF  call 1F324
:74316 8BD8        mov ebx, eax
:74318 A178B14C00  mov eax, dword ptr [CB178]
:7431D 03C0        add eax, eax
:7431F 59          pop ecx
:74320 6A3F        push 3F   ; push the height

Quod erat demonstrandi... an ugly advertisement extirpated... cracking it through its pixel dimensions... it is now extremely easy to nuke the ad-windows, but let's delve deeper inside the code... the knowledge we'll gain can turn useful on other, different targets...

Many approaches

Let's see how many possible approaches we have.
  1. First of all, first snippet, reduce width to zero
    :6CD68 68D8010000    push 1D8
    :6CD6D E8B225FBFF    call 1F324
    let's seek for
    68D8010000E8B225FBFF inside the code and change two bytes to
    Yep, no more ads...
  2. second, first snippet, reduce height to zero
    :6CD73 898520FFFFFF  mov dword ptr [ebp+FFFFFF20], eax
    :6CD79 6A3F          push 3F    
    let's seek for
    898520FFFFFF6A3F inside the code and change a single byte to
    Yep, no more ads...
  3. third, first snippet, avoid alltogether
    :6CD64 84C0          test al, al
    :6CD66 7463          je 6CDCB
    :6CD68 68D8010000    push 1D8    
    let's seek for
    84C0746368D8010000 inside the code and change a single byte to
    84C0EB6368D8010000 (jump always)
    Yep, no more ads...
  4. fourth, first snippet, a small consideration
    :6CD5E E82546FFFF    call 61388
    :6CD63 59            pop ecx
    :6CD64 84C0          test al, al
    :6CD66 7463          je 6CDCB
    :6CD68 68D8010000    push 1D8   
    well... ahah! There's a call to 61388 short before the pushing of the width of the ad-window, if al=0 on return, then no ad-window
    Let's have a look at this call, and let's call everything that will carry back an al=0 GOOD and everything that will bring back an al=1 EVIL:
    :61388 55      		push ebp
    :61389 8BEC    		mov ebp, esp
    :6138B 53      		push ebx
    :6138C 803DE4CB4D0000  	cmp byte ptr [004DCBE4], 00
    :61393 8B5D08  		mov ebx, dword ptr [ebp+08]
    :61396 7529    		jne 613C1     ; exit with al=[004DCBE5]
    :61398 83BBEC01000000  	cmp dword ptr [ebx+000001EC], 0
    :6139F 740B    		je 613AC      ; good
    :613A1 53      		push ebx
    :613A2 E8D9FFFFFF      	call 61380    ; this evil_routine will
    :613A7 59      		pop ecx       ; smash 1 into al
    :613A8 84C0    		test al, al
    :613AA 7504    		jne 613B0     ; go to set_evil
    :613AC 33C0    		xor eax, eax  ; set_GOOD
    :613AE EB05    		jmp 613B5     ; no evil
    :613B0 B801000000      	mov eax, 1    ; set_EVIL
    :613B5 A2E5CB4D00      	mov byte ptr [004DCBE5], al
    :613BA C605E4CB4D0001  	mov byte ptr [004DCBE4], 01
    :613C1 A0E5CB4D00      	mov al, byte ptr [004DCBE5]
    :613C6 5B      		pop ebx
    :613C7 5D      		pop ebp
    :613C8 C3      		ret
    Well, there's a lot to understand here: the first thing that is evident is the importance of the two data_locations [004DCBE4] and [004DCBE5] that we'll call the 'do_bother' and the 'holder' flags. Basically if we have the do_bother flag set to 1 (false), we don't bother: we'll just fetch the holder value for our al register (whatever it has been set previously: either 0 or 1) and we'll return back with it.
    On the other hand, if the do_bother value is true, i.e. zero, we proceed. What happens now? First if the flag at [ebx+1EC] is zero (i.e. true) then everything is fine, thankyou, and we don't need ads: we'll get without ado our set_good value and that's it.
    On the other hand, if that [ebx+1EC] flag is not zero (i.e. false) we get no chance whatsoever: Alas! the evil_routine at 61380 will make absolutely sure that you get an al=1 (false) smashed into your al register. Note that this is all 'nonsense code', since if a real programmer had programmed this in assembly, he would have just had a jmp to 613B0, without no need whatsoever to use a special silly routine to load 1 (false) into al.
    Of course we can take advantage of this nonsense compiler programming... what happen if we just nop (no_operation) the last jump '7504' meant to avoid the follwing 'set_good' snippet? Bingo! The codeflow will fall through to the good value!
    :613A7 59      		pop ecx
    :613A8 84C0    		test al, al
    :613AA 7504    		jne 613B0     ;go to evil
    :613AC 33C0    		xor eax, eax  ; set_GOOD
    :613AE EB05    		jmp 613B5     ; no evil
    let's seek for
    5984C0750433C0EB05 inside the code and nop two bytes to
    Yep, no more ads...

Great fun, isnt'it?
This is still in fieri, of course, therefore if your info or advices differs, or if your findings are different, by all means send them over, I'll add and change... there's still so much to do: for instance webferret automatically connects and adverts when there are new updates (a typical malware habit), moreover it is fairly easy to change the urls webferret should connect to per menu... try substituting the hexstring DF998-DFACA, original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
with 'my own' hexstring
(687474703A2F2F7777772E7365617263686C6F7265732E6F72672F6D61696E2E 68746D00687474703A2F2F6672617669612E6F72672F6D61696E2E68746D006672 617669612E6F72672F696E6465782E68746D6C00687474703A2F2F7777772E7365 617263686C6F7265732E6F726700687474703A2F2F7777772E6672617669612E6F 72672F746F6F6C732E68746D00687474703A2F2F6672617669612E6F72672F7265 616C696372612F7265616C696372612E68746D0000687474703A2F2F6672617669 612E6F72672F635F66697273742E68746D00687474703A2F2F6672617669612E6F 72672F616476616E6365642E68746D00687474703A2F2F7365617263686C6F7265 732E6F72672F667572746865722E68746D00687474703A2F2F7777772E73656172 63686C6F72652E6F7267) for instance :-)

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