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(Courtesy of fravia's advanced searching lore)

(¯`·.¸ Some fun with Aureate ¸.·´¯)
by garph0
published at searchlores in October 2001

An amazing essay, that will teach you more than you would believe just perusing it, especially if you examine carefully the files contained in this [../zipped/AureateBust.zip] package that garphO has been so kind to prepare...
The package contains the following files:
TFDE     DLL        40,960  27/09/01  14:21 tfde.dll
ADVERT   DLL        40,960  27/09/01  14:20 Advert.dll
ADIMAGE  DLL        40,960  27/09/01  14:20 adimage.dll
and in the subdir SRC
ADIMAGE  DEF           251  23/09/01  15:10 adimage.def
ADIMAGE  CPP         3,168  27/09/01  14:26 adimage.cpp
ADVERT   DEF           830  24/09/01  13:56 advert.def
ADVERT   CPP         2,353  27/09/01  14:27 Advert.cpp
TFDE     CPP         1,162  27/09/01  14:28 tfde.cpp
TFDE     DEF           270  24/09/01  15:37 tfde.def
Some fun with Aureate

It's amazing how many softwares are going to use Aureate/Radiate 
advertising to show us some ads! I'm not against the concept of 
adware software: i can get some proggies that I want to try (and 
that usually I want to zap off my hard disk as quickly as I can ;)
for free. I'm definitevly against the Aureate & Co. way of thinking 

Ok, now that I gave my (unasked :P ) two cents to the adware topic, 
let's start with the real stuff :

	- A brain (maybe a working one, and it's better if it's yours  ;) 
	- Old good IDA 
	- Depends (it's a Microsoft SDK tool)
	- AdAware (www.lavasoft.de or www.lavasoftUSA.com) 
	- A compiler 

	- NetAnts (www.netants.com) 
	- NetVampire (?www.netvampire.com?) 
	- Go!Zilla (www.aureate.com) <- Yessir! 
	- Possibly other (all?) aureate powered bugware

The problem with that adware things is that you cannot 
remove the spyware files, or your latest cute nice proggie
youcannotlivewithout will stop working. 
Now, when I installed NetAnts I had to leave it running for 
some days (a big download, yes ;) but I didn't want to have 
the aureate stuff doing its work with my data, so I retrieved 
AdAware and let it have a run on my hard disk. 
This baby seems quite good at removing spyware: it wiped 
aureate (and some other things I didn't knew as spywares) 
off my system. 

Then I gave a run to NetAnts: it showed an error message saying 
LoadLibrary(adimage.dll)[126], followed by some other complains.

So the problem was in the adimage.dll library, which I had just 
I reinstalled NetAnts to get aureate back, and I made a backup of 
the dll aureate stuff before deleting it.

Ok, now I had something to study :) 

A quick dependency check on NetAnts shows that it doesn't 
links implicitly any of the aureate's DLL, so I disassembled 
it with IDA: searching all the LoadLibrary occurrences I 
saw that only adimage.dll was used by NetAnts.

In a first time I thought to patch NetAnts where it loads 
adimage.dll, but the I would have had to fix also all the 
GetProcAddress mess, and all the calls to the functions 
loaded from the DLL... too much effort! So I thought to 
write my version of adimage.dll, and put it in the place 
of the original one: I expected to have to write some 
code to at least partially emulate the original functions, 
but it seemed to be easier than all the patching work.

Let's write a DLL exporting the same functions as the 
original one: it's easy: 

- create an adimage.c file, with this function:
  	return TRUE;

- use Depends to see all the functions exported from 
adimage, you can select all of them and copy the names 
in your adimage.c file
- now for each exported function make a write function like this:

           DWORD Initialize ()
           	return 1;

- now we need to know the right number of parameters 
  that the function accepted: disassemble adimage.dll 
  with IDA, search for the function you want and you can 
  see all the infos we need:
10002F6E ;               S u b r o u t i n e                                  
10002F6E ; Attributes: bp-based frame                                         
10002F6E                 public Initialize                                    
10002F6E Initialize      proc near      ; CODE XREF: std_Initialize+1
10002F6E var_260         = byte ptr -260h                                     
10002F6E var_15D         = byte ptr -15Dh                                     
10002F6E var_15C         = byte ptr -15Ch                                     
10002F6E var_58          = byte ptr -58h                                      
10002F6E var_24          = byte ptr -24h                                      
10002F6E var_4           = dword ptr -4                                       
10002F6E arg_0           = dword ptr  8		<-- arg #1                                       
10002F6E arg_4           = dword ptr  0Ch              .                       
10002F6E arg_8           = dword ptr  10h              .                       
10002F6E arg_C           = dword ptr  14h              .                       
10002F6E arg_10          = dword ptr  18h       <-- arg #5                              
10002F6E                 push    ebp                                          
10002F6F                 mov     ebp, esp                                     
10002F71                 sub     esp, 260h                                    

Initialize will accept 5 parameters. Here's the C code:

  DWORD Initialize (DWORD a1, DWORD a2, DWORD a3, DWORD a4, DWORD a5) 
         	return 1; 

  please note that we can completely ignore the original 
  type of the parameter (if it was a char, or an int or 
  a pointer...) since once linked all the variables are 
  referenced through pointers, that have DWORD size. 
  Should you need a particular type for programing 
  needs you can cast it, once you've discovered what 
  it is.
  Set the right parameter number in each function.  

- now prepare a simple DEF file (adimage.def)

  LIBRARY	adimage


  Initialize		@1
  std_Initialize	@2
  StartMessaging	@3
  std_StartMessaging	@4
  SetThrottle		@5
  std_SetThrottle	@6
  SetProxy		@7
  std_SetProxy		@8
  Spuck			@9
  std_Spuck		@10
  SetOffline		@11
  std_SetOffline	@12

- compile, link and put the resulting adimage.dll in 
  NetAnts.exe's directory (I'm not going to bother you 
  with details on this part :P ).

At this point I expected some problems with NetAnts, 
since the library function are totally fake, so I 
launched NetAnts to see what needed a fix-up ...

IT WORKED! there is no check, nothing at all! 
just return a nonzero value and you're ok!
Amazing :)

At this point I downloaded the other two targets, 
just to see if this thing worked also with those: 
obviously it didn't :(
Fortunately the problem is that NetVampire and 
Go!Zilla use other DLLs:

Advert.dll and

I tryed to make two more fake dlls, exactly in the 
same way, and both the programs worked fine :)

tfde.dll is a COM object, and it exports also 
DllCanUnloadNow,DllGetClassObject, DllRegisterServer 
and DllUnregisterServer but we don't need to export these 
functions, since these are function called by the system 
if some COM client wants to use tfde COM functions (and we 
have not created a COM object, so it would not work anyway 
if COM functionalities are needed).

Finally, if you debug a little your new adimage DLL 
you'll find that the first parameter in Initialize 
is the handle of the window that contains the 
banner... that's how i managed to write there :)

I only tested my dll with these three targets, so I 
can't assure this will work with everything (writing 
these dll it's a simple task, but quite boring, you 
know). If you need help, have suggestion, discover 
something that doesn't work with this method, or 
have any comments/suggestions please feel free 
to write me.

 work well, and forgive my bad english ;)

          garph0 ( xmarkix (at) katamail (dot) com )

Petit image
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